So let's get this straight.
I am moving to Japan. If you didn't know that, you probably don't know me. But that's okay, in order to reach my goal of creating the ultimate Japan blog, I'm going to have to recruit a few new followers.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Michael. I'm a 31 year old Japanophile from Minneapolis, USA. I have previously lived in Gifu prefecture for 2.5 years teaching English. I am also returning to Gifu to teach English. And not just the same prefecture either. I'm going to the same town, the same school, the same little brown apartment building next to the bicycle racing track. I might even have some of the same students, except they will be much larger by now, since I left 5 years ago, and that one high school senior will probably now be my new boss.
Why am I going back to the exact same spot? Because it's familiar? Because I was able to easily get my job back? Because I enjoy the 40 days of paid vacation? Good guesses, but not quite! I have unfinished business. I'm not sure what it is, but for the last 5 years there's been a little voice in the back of my head telling me I still have something to do there. Maybe I'll become president of a company or host a talk show or rescue the emperor's beautiful daughter from a run away bullet train. I'm not sure yet, but it's going to be interesting. Or at least more interesting than driving buses in circles in the suburbs of Minneapolis. Please stay tuned and I'll update when I get boots on the ground.